Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Puran Poli

For Puran: 

For 10 Polis:
1.5 cup daal
1.5 cup or little less jaggery (depending on the sweetness)
cardamom powder- 1/4 tsp
nutmeg powder - 1/4 tsp

1.  Soak daal for 2 hours or else pressure cook it for 3 vessels.
2. grind the daal in the mixer for the smooth texture. Put some daal aside for 'Katachi amati' 
3. then Put the remaining in the stove and add jaggery and keep cooking till mixture thickens for stuffing consistency.
4. Add some cardamom powder and sunth powder and a pinch of salt

For Katachi Amati: 

Dry ingredients:
- Cumin seeds (Jire)
- Dry coconut powder 
- Sesame seeds (Til)
- Poppy seeds (Khaskhas)
- Coriander seeds  (Dhane)

Additional masala:
Curry leaves
Chili powder

First, grind the dry masalas, then add other fresh masalas and prepare katachi amati with all above

Imp Note: Cook the daal soft and mushy in pressure cooker 'ALWAYS'